nintendo nx spec
nintendo nx spec


新世代遊戲方向!疑似任天堂NX 設計 規格被公開!


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A new Nintendo NX rumor has surfaced, which claims that the console might offer gaming in 1080P at 60FPS, while 4K streaming would be possible as well.

Nintendo NX

Here's everything we know about when the NX will be unveiled, what it will look like, and how the legendary gaming company will try make us say wow.

Nintendo NX is powered by Nvidia Tegra technology

CPU: Eight CPU cores (4x ARM Cortex-A57/4x ARM Cortex A53) · GPU: 256-core second-gen Maxwell technology · Media Support: Up to 4K 60fps (h.264/ ...


日本網站Gadget通信1日引述海外WEB網站Vcpost的報導指出,任天堂NX預計將在2016年底-2017年初期間亮相,且將搭載超微(AMD)處理器,RAM將達8GB(Wii U為2GB); ...

新世代遊戲方向!疑似任天堂NX 設計 規格被公開!

而硬件規格上,Nintendo NX 的原型機使用了6.2 吋1280 x 720p 多點觸控顯示屏,配備兩個USB I/O,不過因為是原型機設計,因此有機會再改變機身的設計。

Nintendo Switch (Nintendo NX) Release Date, Price, Specs

Nintendo NX console, which will be called the Switch is expected to be revealed on March 2017. The Nintendo Switch has a pre-order price of £399 or €499.

NX specs confirmed from dev site. : rNintendoSwitch

The upcoming Tegra X2 (code-name Parker) already uses a quad-core Cortex-A57 CPU and Pascal based GPU, so if I had to guess, that's the chip we ...

Nintendo NX specs, pricing and bundle info hinted at by leak

4K streaming, 1080p gaming. First, the specs. The source claims that the Nintendo NX will allow gamers to play at 1080p and 60fps whilst at home ...

Nintendo SwitchNX Powered By Nvidia Tegra! Initial Spec Analysis

Find out everything we know about Nintendo's next-gen console. First specs and in-depth analysis. Subscribe for more Digital Foundry: ...


主機處理器使用基於NVIDIA Tegra X1的客制系統晶片,這也是任天堂首次採用NVIDIA的晶片,同時也是任天堂首次採用ARM架構晶片。開發期中的主機於以「NX」代號 ...


AnewNintendoNXrumorhassurfaced,whichclaimsthattheconsolemightoffergamingin1080Pat60FPS,while4Kstreamingwouldbepossibleaswell.,Here'severythingweknowaboutwhentheNXwillbeunveiled,whatitwilllooklike,andhowthelegendarygamingcompanywilltrymakeussaywow.,CPU:EightCPUcores(4xARMCortex-A57/4xARMCortexA53)·GPU:256-coresecond-genMaxwelltechnology·MediaSupport:Upto4K60fps(h.264/ ...,日本網站Gadget通信1日...